Healed Being Online andHealed Being Subscription

Healed Being Online

  • Immediate, lifetime access to all lessons, Q&As, and online groups

  • Your personal Virtual Coach (a powerful, conversational, helpful AI chatbot who knows everything I teach and will even help you assess emotionally abusive language before you send that text or letter!)

  • Audio versions of each lesson – listen on the go

  • PDFs of each lesson – print for your binder

  • The S.A.F.E. System for Anxiety:
    A unique and effective audio system I created with experts to help you alleviate anxiety as it starts

  • The M.E.A.N. Workbook Online:
    The relationships assessment and healing guide for recipients of emotionally abusive behavior but is helpful to help you understand both sides

  • The Stop Self-Sabotage Workbook Online: If you keep getting results you don’t want, you may be sabotaging your own happiness. This workbook guides you with the exact steps to change that.

  • Healed Being Online is a one-time, lifetime purchase:
    No more payments ever.

  • A $1766 value but heavily discounted for the bundle.

$799 one-time, lifetime price.


Healed Being Subscription

Receive lessons and Q&As every few days and get immediate access to the support and discussion groups.

Click below for the price and checkout. Renews monthly – cancel when you’re ready to venture forth on your own!

Currently $49 per month

I’m reaching out to thank you because your AI chat feature helped me achieve a breakthrough… I yelled and cursed at my mother… This led to us not talking to each other for over a week… I got the idea to write her an apology letter, and your AI chat helped me craft it. I hand wrote it and left it on her bedside table… she read it and came to me in my bedroom in tears… She said she accepts my apology… I’m telling you all this to thank you for helping me achieve what feels like a breakthrough in vulnerability and communication with my mom because this moment was in great part thanks to your AI chat feature.


Wow there are a ton of other resources in the lifetime membership too. I’m going to purchase that. Seriously can’t thank you enough— this has been the best thing for me over the last year and a half. 


The Healed Being Subscription sends you email lessons and Q&As every few days. You also get instant access to the online support and discussion group.

The subscription has helped thousands of people heal their lives and even save relationships on the verge of collapse. It’s an excellent, affordable option that provides a ton of value. The subscription will walk you through healing and growth at a pace that’s digestible, applicable, and effective. 

Healed Being Online is available if you want to receive all of the lessons, Q&As, and other benefits right away. This option is for those who want to absorb and apply information as soon as possible to accomplish their goals. If time is of the essence and this is within your budget, this is the option you should choose.

Every lesson is a stepping stone to the next and will help you progress at an effective and attainable pace.

Want all the lessons right away? Click here to purchase Healed Being Online now.

Accelerate your pace with Healed Being Online

  • All the lessons and Q&As available immediately in an easy-to-navigate course, including future updates and changes to the content

  • Audio versions of each lesson for listening on the go or to reinforce what you’ve already learned

  • Your own Virtual CoachThis advanced AI chatbot has been programmed specifically with every single lesson and Q&A in Healed Being and is being updated all the time. Ask it any question you have about healing and relationships. The virtual coach has been incredibly helpful for many members of HB. *All conversations with the virtual coach are confidential.

  • Lifetime access to the private online group. If you have any challenges later on, we’re here for you.
  • The S.A.F.E. System for Anxiety.
    A powerful audio program designed to help you release anxiety and start living life without fear.
    A $299 value.

  • The M.E.A.N. Workbook Online.
    An assessment and healing guide for victims of emotional abuse. (This can be very helpful to understanding both sides of the emotionally abusive relationship).
    A $39 value.

  • Stop Self-Sabotage Workbook Online.
    If you’re not sure why you keep ending up with what you don’t want in life, this short but powerful workbook will tell you why.
    A $29 value.

Subscribe to Healed Being Subscription

Purchase Healed Being Online

Free Lessons:
If you’re not ready to purchase, try the free lessons first!

The free lessons will give you the start you need to make changes right away.

    No spam, just value.

    For more information, visit https://healedbeing.com

    Still not sure? Sign up for the free lessons here


    Still have questions?

    Check out the FAQ. And read on below. I may have answered one or more of your questions below.

    The Healed Being Subscription

    The subscription has a purposeful order and rhythm. I send you the lessons and Q&As at a rate of speed that I know works. There is often processing time, implementation time, and definitely time to see results.

    You will find that those who have experienced hurtful or controlling behavior, especially for a long period, like years, need time to process your changes and start their own healing journey as well. 

    Sometimes, trying to do too many things at once can work against you, which is why pacing can often be very important.

    The subscription gives you the lessons in an order and pace that works for most people. It is powerful and effective and may be all you need to get on the right track. You also get immediate access to the private online group.

    Healed Being Online

    This option is for those who are ready to go full-steam but are also good at self-pacing and self-discipline. Healed Being Online gives you everything you need right away. Not only do you get all the lessons and Q&As immediately, but you also get lifetime access to the online groups (one’s on Facebook, and the other is off of social media. Either or both are available to you).

    HB Online also comes with a powerful virtual AI coach that you can talk to anytime. I train it every few days with everything I know (often from the conversations I have with other members).

    Imagine having the ability to ask, “I’m about to send this message to someone. Does this sound emotionally abusive? Does it sound like I’m trying to manipulate them?” and not only getting the right answer but also suggested ways to rewrite it – deriving straight form the principles and lessons in Healed Being.

    Along with AI audio versions of each lesson in HB Online, you’ll also get the anti-anxiety program I created (The S.A.F.E. System for Anxiety) along with The M.E.A.N. Workbook Online and more. It’s an amazingly valuable program that guides you through all areas of relationship-building, and emotional regulation and intelligence.

    Whichever version of Healed Being you choose, you’re going to have all the tools you need to give yourself the best chance at healing and creating the healthiest, most nurturing environment for all your relationships. 

    Be sure to join the online support group after you purchase! I’ve found that’s where most people experience the fastest healing and change. I reply to every post, and you’re going to find a ton of helpful information in the conversations we’ve already had.

    Reach out to me if you’d like help in making a decision that’s right for you.

    *If you purchase the monthly subscription but decide to upgrade to Healed Being Online later, the amount you paid during the subscription period will be deducted from the full price of Healed Being Online.