The Healed Being Program

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    The Healed Being program walks you through the exact steps you need to give your relationship the best chance at healing.

    Don’t let the desire or urge to control and change others cause you to keep destroying love and connection. Following this precise roadmap will help you eradicate unhealthy behaviors and start repairing the damage. 

    You deserve the opportunity to heal yourself and your relationships.

    Healed Being Program for the emotional abuser that wants to change
    Taking the first step can feel like taking a giant leap into humility. It's not easy, but the journey is worth it.

    Healed Being is the most effective step-by-step program to help you stop emotionally abusive behavior and give you the best chance at healing a damaged relationship

    I was an emotional abuser.

    Honestly, it sucks to admit that. It’s embarrassing. Who wants to say they’re an “abuser”? It’s a word filled with so many horrible images. Yet, I was. And after several failed relationships and finally a divorce, I had to admit I was hurting the people I loved. That admission was what I needed to start healing and stop the behaviors.

    I no longer feel the need to control or change the people I care about. I’ve also healed from the triggers that caused my emotionally abusive behaviors in the first place. I truly feel like a different person today.

    I created Healed Being to share everything you need to know about how to stop being hurtful and controlling, and help you build strong, healthy relationships. You’ll also learn how to develop healthier coping strategies when you face difficult situations with someone you care about.

    After applying just the first few lessons, you’ll be able to start creating changes in yourself right away.

    When you start changing, people around you will notice.

    In the Healed Being lessons, you will learn what is causing so many unnecessary challenges in your relationships. You’ll also learn exactly what you need to do to show up differently.

    As you implement the teachings in the program, those around you will notice something is very different about you. They may even be pleasantly surprised by how much you’re changing (that’s a good thing).

    This is exactly what you want to happen. 

    I know from personal experience that hurting people we love is a path to loneliness. But sometimes, we don’t know what we don’t know. You may not even realize how some of your behaviors are hurtful.

    I remember believing some of my past words and actions were actually necessary for us to both be happy in the relationship. I never realized how wrong I was. Maybe you’ve experienced this as well.

    Once you have the right tools and knowledge, you’ll understand exactly what is causing the issues in your relationship. Healed being gives you everything you need to show up as the best version of yourself – the lessons, the online group with direct access to me, and a lot of humbling but powerful life-changing moments.

    Thousands of people have taken the Healed Being program, and they are now seeing real, positive changes in their lives. Many have even saved relationships on the verge of collapse.

    Read what others have said about the program.

    As soon as you no longer feel the need to control or change other people, your whole life changes.

    Take the steps toward healing to give yourself a chance to change things for the better. 

    If you you’re not sure if this program is right for you, start with the free lessons

    Quick Tip

    pondering healing from being emotionally abusive (Large)

    One of the most important steps to stop emotionally abusive behavior is to keep the focus on yourself. If you don’t, you both suffer.

    If you continually focus on someone else, waiting for them to change, you typically stay in a suffering state. The need to control or change someone else is a burden to hold on to. And unless you learn the proper coping skills, that burden you feel will come out in destructive ways toward those you care about most. 

    No matter what, stay focused on your own progress and behaviors, not what you want to change about them. If you put your focus on someone else, waiting for them to change for you, you’ll find yourself repeating the same behaviors that got you here in the first place

    There’s a lot more to this in a future lesson, but I wanted to give you something to work on right away.  

    The healing journey can be difficult if you’re not sure exactly what you’re doing wrong. I’ve made sure this program covers everything you need to know. 

    Healed Being is available as a subscription or full course


    Healed Being Subscription:

    • Pay monthly
    • Lessons released on a schedule  
    • Online group with access to all previous discussions
    • Cancel when you’re ready to venture forth on your own

    Healed Being Online:

    • Pay once
    • All lessons available immediately
    • Lifetime access to online group
    • AI Virtual Coach (personally trained by me)
    • Audio and PDF versions of lessons
    • Added programs for stopping anxiety and self-sabotage, and more. 

    Both the Healed Being Subscription and Healed Being Online will give you immediate access to the private online group where you can find a ton of value and get direct support from me and others. 

    Free Lessons:
    Start the Healed Being Journey

    The free lessons will help you start making changes right away.

      No spam, just value.

      For more information, visit

      Yes, emotionally abusive people can change.

      I spent most of my life as an emotionally abusive person, mainly toward my romantic partners. It took several failed relationships and a divorce to finally come to the conclusion that I was hurtful, manipulative, and controlling and that I needed to do something about it.

      If you’ve come to a similar conclusion or think you might have some emotionally abusive tendencies and you would like to stop hurting the closest people in your life, sign up for the free lessons and start a journey that will give you the tools and resources you need right away.

      Each lesson contains valuable exercises, thought-changing processes, and important questions upon which to reflect so that you can start making changes to not only feel less triggered but also create stronger, healthier relationships.

      Emotional abuse is destructive to the relationship. The person receiving the hurtful behavior will eventually want to be away from the person hurting them, distancing themselves emotionally, and sometimes physically. The emotional distancing others do from you because of your behavior can make you feel even worse. 

      Emotional abuse can also be stressful and burdensome to the perpetrator as well. But I’ve laid out the exact steps you need to take to improve yourself and your relationships. If you’re willing to do whatever it takes to heal from being emotionally abusive, you’ll free yourself from the continuous stress of needing or wanting to control those around you. 

      I can honestly say that I have healed from almost all of the deeper emotional wounds that have caused me to be hurtful to those I love. I’m not saying I’m perfect. I’m definitely not. But I no longer feel the need to subject anyone to my old emotionally abusive behaviors.

      My healing journey has changed my life. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. I want you to experience changes like this in yourself and your relationships as well.

      My personal transformation story out of emotionally abusive behavior is here. You might even learn something life-changing in that article alone as I describe in detail some of the steps I took to heal.

      If you apply everything I teach in this program, your life will change. 

      So many people sign up for this program wanting to save their relationship. I am positive that the Healed Being program is the best chance you have at doing that.

      Unfortunately, not every relationship can be saved. If you are close to losing an important relationship, the good news is that if there’s still love in their heart, there’s a chance. And you will have all the tools you need to give yourself the best chance possible.

      If you’ve already lost an important relationship, healing from old, toxic patterns of behavior will make starting a new one (if that’s your goal) an entirely new, positive experience. 

      This program not only helps you become the best version of yourself but also teaches you what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like.

      When you start healing, you will even start noticing emotionally abusive patterns in others because you will be more cognizant of controlling and manipulative behaviors in general. This is where your personal values and boundaries are important to know, which I also cover. 

      Stay strong throughout this journey. You’ll need a lot of emotional resilience as you discover and reflect on the many reasons you may do hurtful behavior.

      When you join, you can ask questions of me and others in the online group. You’ll also be able to see what questions other members have asked, seeing that almost everyone has very similar challenges to yours.

      You don’t have to do this alone. I and others in the online group will help you through this, answering questions and sharing our experiences. We understand what you’re going through and can empathize with what you may be thinking and feeling. 

      I wish you much strength and healing on your journey. If you have any questions about the program, reach out.

      Stay strong.



      Paul Colaianni
      Behavior and Relationship Coach since 2008
      Host of The Overwhelmed Brain podcast and the Love and Abuse podcast

      Healed Being and Healed Being Online are not substitutes for professional medical or psychological advice. Seek the guidance of a mental health professional.