Could you be doing emotionally abusive behavior?

Here’s a short list of questions to help you find out if you are doing things to erode love and connection in your relationship.

Answer honestly. Your current or future relationship depends on it!

The Questions:

  1. Do you find yourself giving them “the look” or responding in ways that make them feel their appreciation or love isn’t good enough?
  2. When they don’t do what you want, do you withdraw love or affection to show your disapproval?
  3. Do you believe they need to change their behavior before you change yours?
  4. When they disagree with you, do you need to show them how wrong they are?
  5. Do you find yourself criticizing them, believing it will help them improve?
  6. When they don’t meet your expectations, do you use silence or mood changes to let them know you’re unhappy?
  7. Do you believe you’re just “difficult” or “stubborn” rather than potentially emotionally abusive?
  8. If they did everything exactly as you wanted, do you believe that would solve most of your relationship problems?
  9. Do you find yourself saying things like “I wouldn’t have to act this way if they would just…” or “They make me behave like this”?
  10. When they share their feelings about your behavior, do you immediately defend yourself or explain why they’re wrong?
  11. Do you believe that if they would just understand your point of view, they would see you’re right most of the time?
  12. Have they told you or intimated that you are “reactive” or “triggered” but you believe they’re just too sensitive?
  13. Do you often feel that nothing is wrong with you and that you don’t need help, while insisting they need to change?
  14. When they set a boundary with you, do you feel personally attacked or feel the need to push back against it?
  15. Do you find yourself bringing up their past mistakes or failures when arguing, even after they’ve apologized?
  16. When they don’t believe or trust you, do you get angry instead of trying to understand why?
  17. Do you believe you’re just being honest when you point out their flaws, even if it hurts them?
  18. When they disagree with you, do you feel the need to keep arguing until they see things your way?

If you answered any of these with a yes, there is very likely damage that has already been caused in the relationship and continual damage being done, leading to the disintegration of love and connection.

It is imperative that something is done to change the direction of the relationship sooner rather than later or any bond you have with this person could be destroyed permanently.

When someone has been hurt for too long, their heart can shut down and lock you out permanently. If that happens, there is very little chance they’ll let you back in. That’s why it’s so important to address these things as soon as possible.

If there’s still love in their heart, there’s a chance. I’ve seen relationships succeed when it was against the odds. No matter what, if you can resonate with any of these questions, start Healed Being or do something so you can prevent this or any future relationship you may get into from falling into the same downward spiral.